Effective treatment for cystitis

Normal bladder (left) and inflammation of the bladder with cystitis (right)

Cystitis is the medical term for inflammation of the bladder. In most cases, the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, and this condition is called a urinary tract infection (UTI). Bladder inflammation is usually accompanied by severe pain and irritation, a burning sensation during or after urination, and can become a serious problem if the infection spreads to the kidneys.

Less commonly, cystitis can occur as a reaction to certain medications, radiation therapy, or potential irritants such as hygiene sprays, spermicides, or long-term catheter use. Cystitis can also occur as a complication of another disease, for example, diabetes, etc.

The usual treatment for bacterial cystitis is antibiotics. Treatment of other types of cystitis depends on the underlying cause.

Common symptoms of cystitis include:

  • Strong, constant urge to urinate;
  • burning when urinating;
  • pain when urinating;
  • Small parts of urine;
  • blood in the urine (hematuria);
  • the appearance of cloudy or strong-smelling urine;
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • Feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen;
  • An increase in body temperature up to 37. 0 - 37. 5 ° C.

When to consult a doctor

Seek immediate medical attention if you have any of the signs and symptoms listed above, especially if you have:

  • Back pain, back pain,
  • Fever and chills above 37. 5 C,
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Contact your doctor immediately if you have frequent or painful urination that lasts for several hours or more, or if you see blood in your urine. If you have been diagnosed with a UTI in the past and have symptoms that mimic a previous UTI, then see your doctor as well.

If cystitis symptoms return after finishing the course of antibiotics, it is worth visiting a urologist. You may need a different type of treatment.

Cystitis mostly affects women. Cystitis is rare in healthy men, but the appearance of cystitis symptoms should be a warning, in this case it may be the result of a more serious disease, for example, prostate adenoma, the presence of stones in the bladder, narrowing of the urethra. and so on.

Causes of exacerbation of cystitis

Bacterial cystitis

Acute cystitis usually occurs when bacteria enter the bladder through the urethra and begin to multiply. Most cases of cystitis are caused by a type of bacteria called Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Bladder infections can occur in women as a result of sexual intercourse. But even girls and women who are not sexually active are susceptible to lower urinary tract infections, because the female urethra is hidden in the pelvic cavity, wider and shorter than the male (the length of the female urethra is 3-5 cm). present in the form of a straight tube located in the front of the vagina and opening to the outside in the vestibule of the vagina, and contains bacteria that can cause cystitis in the female genital tract.

Non-infectious cystitis

Although the most common cause of cystitis is bacterial infections, a number of non-infectious factors can also cause inflammation of the bladder. Other forms of cystitis:

  • Interstitial cystitis.The cause of this chronic inflammation of the bladder, called painful bladder syndrome, is unclear. In most cases, women are diagnosed. The condition is difficult to diagnose and treat.
  • medicinal cystitis.Some drugs, especially chemotherapy drugs, can cause inflammation of the bladder because some of the broken down drug components are excreted in the urine.
  • Radiation cystitisorRadiation cystitis.Ionizing radiation directed to the pelvic region can cause inflammatory changes in the bladder wall.
  • Foreign body cystitis.The presence of a long-term catheter in the bladder, inserted through the urethra or installed as an epicystostomy, can cause tissue damage, the addition of bacterial infection and the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Chemical cystitis.Some people may be sensitive to chemicals in certain products, such as bath foam, feminine hygiene sprays, or spermicides, and their use can cause an allergic-type reaction and inflammation in the bladder.
  • Cystitis associated with other conditions.Cystitis can sometimes occur as a complication of other diseases, such as diabetes, kidney stones, an enlarged prostate, or spinal cord injury.

Risk factors for cystitis

Some people are more likely to develop bladder infections or recurrent urinary tract infections. Women are one such group. The main reason is anatomy. Women have a shorter urethra, which shortens the path of bacteria to the bladder.

Women at highest risk for a UTI include:

  • They are sexually active. Frequent and intense sex can allow bacteria to enter the urethra and bladder.
  • Immoral sex.
  • Inflammatory processes in the vagina, uterus.
  • Use of certain types of contraception. Women who use diaphragms are at increased risk of developing a UTI. Diaphragms containing spermicides further increase the risk of cystitis.
  • Pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of bladder infections.
  • Menopause. Changes in hormone levels in postmenopausal women are often associated with the development of bladder infections.
  • Stress.
  • Non-observance of personal hygiene rules.

Other risk factors in both men and women include:

  • Residual urine. This can happen when there are stones in the bladder, or in men with an enlarged prostate.
  • Changes in the immune system. A decrease in immunity can occur against the background of diseases such as diabetes, HIV infection or the use of chemotherapy drugs in the treatment of cancer. Immunosuppression increases the risk of bacterial and, in some cases, viral bladder infections.
  • Long-term use of bladder catheters. These "tubes" may be necessary for people with chronic diseases or the elderly. Long-term use can lead to increased susceptibility to bacterial infections, as well as damage to bladder tissues.

Cystitis is extremely rare in men who do not have any health problems.

Complications of acute cystitis

With timely referral to a urologist or urogynecologist and proper treatment, bladder infections rarely cause complications. However, if left untreated, they can lead to serious consequences. Complications may include:

  • Kidney infection. Cystitis, which is not treated in time, can lead to a kidney infection called pyelonephritis, which is a very serious disease that requires treatment in a hospital setting. Children and the elderly are most at risk.
  • Blood in the urine. In cystitis, only microscopic red blood cells can be seen in the urine (microscopic hematuria) and usually disappear after treatment. Visible blood in the urine (gross hematuria) is rare and a warning sign that prompts you to seek medical attention.
  • Transition to the chronic form of cystitis, leukoplakia of the bladder.

Disease prevention

Cranberry juice or pills containing proanthocyanidins are recommended to reduce the risk of recurrent bladder infections in women. However, recent studies show that these drugs do not provide 100% protection against reinfection.

Although these preventive measures are not well understood, doctors sometimes recommend the following to prevent recurring bladder infections:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. This reduces the concentration of bacteria in the bladder and can prevent infection.
  • Wash from front to back with warm water only. This prevents bacteria from spreading from the anal area to the vagina and urethra.
  • Use the shower, not the bath. If you are prone to infections, showering instead of bathing can help prevent them.
  • Empty the bladder as soon as possible after intercourse. Drink 250-300 ml of water to prevent a significant increase in the number of bacteria in the bladder.
  • Avoid using deodorant sprays or other hygiene products around the genital area. These foods can irritate the urethra and bladder.

Diagnosis of cystitis

If you have symptoms of cystitis and have seen a doctor, in addition to discussing your symptoms and medical history, your doctor may recommend additional tests:

  • Urinalysis.If you suspect a bladder infection, your doctor may recommend a urine sample to check for bacteria, red blood cells, and white blood cells in the urine—these are laboratory indicators of inflammation. If there is inflammation in the bladder, then it is necessary to carry out a urine bacterial culture for the flora and determine the sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Rub on Flora and Gnor during a microscopic examination of the secretions of the urogenital organs, inflammation is detected in the vagina and cervical canal, which in turn can be the cause of cystitis.
  • Cystoscopy.In no case is it carried out in the middle of an acute process. Only after the normalization of laboratory parameters, the doctor can recommend a cystoscopy - a visual examination of the mucous membrane of the bladder to assess its condition. In cases of chronic cystitis or suspected interstitial cystitis, the doctor will suggest a biopsy of the altered bladder mucosa to determine the depth and extent of the lesion.
  • Ultrasound of the bladder.Testing is usually not required, but may be useful in some cases, especially if there are no signs of a bacterial infection. For example, an ultrasound can help detect other potential causes of bladder damage, such as a tumor or abnormal growth.

Treatment of cystitis

Cystitis caused by a bacterial infection is usually treated with antibiotics. Treatment of non-infectious cystitis depends on the underlying cause.

Treatment of bacterial cystitis

The first line of treatment for bacterial cystitis is antibiotics. Which drugs are used and for how long depends on your general health and the type and concentration of bacteria in the urine.

  • Acute cystitis.A characteristic symptom of acute cystitis is the improvement of the condition after starting to drink a lot of liquid and heat procedures, but this condition is deceptive and threatens a new episode of the disease with even greater force. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a urologist or urogynecologist to prescribe antibiotic therapy. Depending on the severity of the infection, you will need to take antibiotics for at least three days.

    Regardless of the duration of treatment, it is better to drink the entire course of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, then to make sure that the infection is completely gone, it is necessary to conduct a control urinalysis - a complete urinalysis and a urine culture for flora.

  • Recurrent cystitisorChronic cystitis. If you have recurrent UTIs, your doctor may recommend longer treatment with both systemic and topical bladder instillations.

Cystitis can be especially sensitive in postmenopausal women. In addition to treatment, your doctor may recommend an estrogen vaginal cream.

Treatment of interstitial cystitis

The cause of the inflammation in interstitial cystitis is unknown, but treatments used to relieve the symptoms of interstitial cystitis include:

  • Medicines taken orally or injected directly into the bladder by drip or injection under the lining of the bladder.
  • Procedures aimed at reducing symptoms, such as distension of the bladder with fluid (hydrodistension of the bladder) or surgery (enhancement cystoplasty as a method of restoring organ capacity).
  • Tibial neuromodulation, or electrical stimulation that uses electrical impulses to stimulate nerve endings to relieve pelvic pain and, in some cases, reduce the frequency of urination.

The main task in the treatment of interstitial cystitis is to relieve pain and return the capacity to the bladder, which is quite successfully carried out by urologists using the latest achievements of science.

Treatment of other forms of non-infectious cystitis

If you are allergic and sensitive to certain chemicals, avoiding them can help relieve symptoms and prevent further episodes of cystitis.

Treatment of cystitis, which develops as a complication of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, is mainly aimed at relieving pain with systemic or local drugs.

If you suffer from acute cystitis, or if you have chronic cystitis or interstitial cystitis, doctors know how to help you.